Men's Shop

I have to admit, I’ve had a little trouble coming up with something for you to glance over then move on to your sports, porn or whatever. Maybe it’s something to do with with the fact that my ability to write here is directly proportional to how “in the mood” I feel, usually when I’m all glammed up.

And for a while, the last few weeks at least, it’s been no glam at all. 100% Pure unadulterated masculine meĀ (almost masculine anyway). Yeah, yuck.

I bought a sexy new string body that I’m dying to try on. At the moment, it’s still in the packaging.

I have new vintage aerobics wear (and plenty of matching tights) for my indoor workouts. They’ve gone unused so far.

Just for kicks I counted all the pairs of pantyhose I had some time ago. Eighty pairs, all unworn in the last few weeks too.

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