A Ten Year Prophecy Came to Fruition
Not news that I love Wolford Neon 40 tights. OK let’s move on… I’ve always been obsessed with those fuscia Neon 40 tights ever since I saw them, hold on, ten years ago. Of course I gave up my search for them probably nine years and 11 months ago but I swore back then that if I ever come across a pair in whatever state it was in, I’m buying it, whatever the price.
While randomly browsing around, I happened to find Wolford tights for sale on Amazon, but the German site. Amazon does carry Wolford tights and other items (which is no surprise), however, the German version happened to have shades of Neon 40 that were not available anywhere as far as I knew. Yet further browsing around, I noticed there was an “Electric Pink” color available to buy which quickly got my attention.
Electric Pink = Fuscia? It kind of sounded like it to me but I had to find out. Could these be the fuscia tights of my dream?
Well, I happened to remember writing about those lovely fuscia tights some time ago (link above) so I dug back into the archives in this website to find that article for an image of that fuscia shade. Then I noticed that the article happened to be from ten years ago almost to the day. There was some weird time warp prophecy going on here.
With my love of anything fuscia colored then rekindled, it was time to dig deeper…
First of all, the images below were on the German version of Amazon for the Electric Pink shade. They weren’t exactly “pink” I thought yet I didn’t just give up on them yet. From all my years of browsing for Wolford Neon 40, I noticed that the colors displayed don’t always match what they really are. Either that or I’m colorblind to some degree.

So I did what any normal pantyhose enthusiast would do and headed to Youtube. Sometimes there are videos out there of lovely women “trying out” shades of Wolford Neon 40 pantyhose that are no longer made. To my surprise, I only typed out “wolford neon” in the search bar and this happened…
Which then lead me to this video. Yes that is Electric Pink and my hunch about that color was right on. Those are fuscia!
I watched this video a few times actually…
After this glowing review of a video of course I went back to that bookmarked German Amazon page and purchased them. Two pairs actually, you know, in case something happens to the first one. They were priced a bit higher too. Make that three times what they usually cost and now you get what I mean. Supply and demand baby and there is definitely a demand for these tights.
Well, they just came today and I ripped a package open. On a side note, the packing was from last year so at some point these were for sale somewhere not too long ago. I don’t know how I missed that one!
Anyway, they are a gorgeous fuscia color that I adore. So, pardon me, I have to leave now to try these on.
I’ll see you back with some pictures in the near future. X
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