Sheery in pink Wolford Neon and OW Collection Dress

It is probably no surprise or really even a secret that I’ve always been drawn to the color fuscia. It’s bright, sexy, feminine and something I never dare to wear as me in male-mode. It’s also no secret that I’ve pushed for Wolford to bring back that gorgeous shade for their Neon 40 tights. That was nearly TEN YEARS AGO and guess what? They did bring it back for sale but I never caught on to it until way too late. Damn you Wolford!

However, there are those savvy sellers on eBay that know rare shades of Neon 40 can become collectors items. Then they stock up and sell these at collector item prices for crossdressers, errr, people like me. So of course I shelled out more than I should have for a pair (actually TWO pairs, you know, just in case the other pair rips). Anyway I tell the story about that purchase in a previous post.

Slipping into those brand new fuscia Wolford Neon 40 tights was like a dream come true and, WOW, they really are bright! The only thing, though, was that I didn’t have anything to go with bright fuscia tights. No lingerie, bodysuits, dresses, ok well a matching lipstick shade I do have but nothing else. So then I thought why not just celebrate my Wolford Neon win by getting a lovely dress and heels matching in the same color if at all possible.

That it was!

Over the course of the next month or so, I kept my eye out for anything that caught it. First I randomly stumbled on a pair of heels I immediately fell in love with… and even in that perfect shade of fuscia I was after. These 14cm (5.5 in) stilettos are from Le Silla and were even more stunning when I took them out of their box and slipped (and stumbled) into them. They are TOO TALL as well. Definitely the tallest pair in my arsenal of stilettos.

And, not to mention, they perfectly matched the shade of fuscia on the Neon 40 tights. Now we’re getting somewhere!

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Wolford Neon 40 tights in Electric Pink shade

Not news that I love Wolford Neon 40 tights. OK let’s move on… I’ve always been obsessed with those fuscia Neon 40 tights ever since I saw them, hold on, ten years ago. Of course I gave up my search for them probably nine years and 11 months ago but I swore back then that if I ever come across a pair in whatever state it was in, I’m buying it, whatever the price.

While randomly browsing around, I happened to find Wolford tights for sale on Amazon, but the German site. Amazon does carry Wolford tights and other items (which is no surprise), however, the German version happened to have shades of Neon 40 that were not available anywhere as far as I knew. Yet further browsing around, I noticed there was an “Electric Pink” color available to buy which quickly got my attention.

Electric Pink = Fuscia? It kind of sounded like it to me but I had to find out. Could these be the fuscia tights of my dream?

Well, I happened to remember writing about those lovely fuscia tights some time ago (link above) so I dug back into the archives in this website to find that article for an image of that fuscia shade. Then I noticed that the article happened to be from ten years ago almost to the day. There was some weird time warp prophecy going on here.

With my love of anything fuscia colored then rekindled, it was time to dig deeper…

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The author, Sheery, right after shopping

For about the last, oh, couple of decades, we’ve had the convenience of shopping online which means 1) Waking up in the morning (or drinking wine before bed) 2) Thought comes to your head to buy something (sexy) and 3) Browse around and eventually click the Purchase button, but then 4) Wait that day or two for that “special” package to come.

Particularly for the closet crossdresser, this is fairly standard procedure… easy, you get what you feel like you want and no one else needs to know or doesn’t care on the other end. I mean would you rather have to pick out your silky treasures in person and then get that side-eye from that real female taking your payment? There use to be that day when having to shop in person use to exist you know.

Wait, hold on, you can still shop in person?!! Lingerie, pantyhose… makeup too?

OK, I’m sure there are many crossdressers out there who do actually buy their femme gear in person which nowadays isn’t anything out of the ordinary. So I happened to be near a large department store last weekend and, knowing they have my favorite Wolford Neon 40 tights, decided to go in and “have a look around.” Now, truthfully, I usually have bought pantyhose in person every now and then (even lingerie when I was 16) because it always gave me a bit of an adrenaline rush. There was even one time when I was purchasing the aforementioned Wolford Neon 40 tights when the sweet cashier lady commented to me “Wow, you just went right to those quickly!”

Um, yeah, caught. I’m pretty sure I blushed as I handed her my credit card.

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Wolford emergency bag

I hate to admit it but I am not always in my heels and hose prancing around all over town or in far away places. However, when I do get out of the house on some trip, I do like to take along a garment or two, pantyhose (of course), a wig and some lipstick for good measure. Pretty normal for a run-of-the-mill crossdresser I would say.

Yet I also have this one peculiar habit that I’ve been doing for a number of years now. I managed to snag one of these small little Wolford silk bags which I believe were for some of the designer masks they sold during the pandemic. I didn’t find the masks that appealing (surprising) but something about tiny little silk bags somehow blows wind up my skirt. I got a couple of them and I think they were overpriced at that. But, hey, who didn’t buy crazy shit during the pandemic?

The little bags are quite cute but I was I was really thinking was that a pair of pantyhose could fit perfectly into one of these. So I ripped open a package of shiny new Wolford Neon 40 tights in a Gobi shade (of course), folded it nicely and, lo and behold, they do fit perfectly! So I left them in there nice and snug and have taken this little bag everywhere I’ve been travelling ever since. My perfect little silk bag of some emergency Wolford tights in case I get stuck in a bind in some god forbidden place with no access to pantyhose. The horror!

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Me in a Wolford Bodysuit and Neon 40 pantyhose

Like countless times before, I find myself sitting down with a cup of coffee in hand and legs draped in my favorite black Wolford Neon 40 pantyhose. I notice a little wear on the heel but, no problem, I have more (yes, more than one) of the same colored Wolford in case of a quick need to replace them. Or maybe a special night out on the town. Yeah right, I’ll be staying in tonight.

Anyway, while I scroll through the news on my mobile, I wiggle my toes and admire that ever-present shine, something I’ve also done a million times. I figure I should be bored of this by now but I’m not. I feel great wearing my most prized garment. Actually not just great but really comforted over my lower half, like a cross between silky tactile pleasure and a nice warm hug from a good friend.

Of course I’m also wearing a bodysuit like in the image above (not the same one though) and a short silky robe to round out my household look. Yet I kind of look at them as adornments to how killer I think my legs look in Wolford pantyhose. I mention Wolford since they are my favorite pantyhose at the moment but these could very well be one my other Oroblu, Pierre Mantoux or even Danskin tights I’ll slip into every once in a while.

Now, to say I have a pantyhose fetish makes me laugh and cry out loud. Of course I use to download those JPEG images and watch any kind of videos where pantyhose was the star (yes porn too, OK?). Not to mention gaze at lovely women wearing those shiny tights from behind my sunglasses. I’ve jerked off plenty of times with nothing more than the closest pair of tights and a hand and, if I do a hard search, I’m pretty sure I can come up with a pair of cum-stained hose that I could try on again for a quick chuckle.

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An old Pantyhose Please image

Just this past week, I had an old external hard drive that I found and was about to toss during my spring cleaning. I had originally planned to take a heavy hammer to it and smash it to bits but, for shits and giggles, cleaned it up a bit and connected it to my laptop just to see what was still on it. It pretty much had all the usual digital stuff you accumulate… work, resumes, random documents and, oh, what is that?

My, that looks like the old treasure trove of pantyhose images I had collected from WAY back when! I realize how “sick” I must be since I have already spent a good two hours looking through these as if they were long lost family photos. The hell with that though, it was nice to go through my old stash of soft-porny images and getting off again like the good old days.

And those days I remember very well. Hours on end surfing the net for free pantyhose images. And not just any images, the shiny pantyhose ones I preferred (and with a bit of lingerie if possible). I distinctly remember there even used to be a website called Winnie Cooper Pantyhose Links from back in the 90’s that would post daily links to galleries where I could get a ton of free photos (like the one you see above).

I guess you can say I was pretty much a pervert back in those days but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one. To my defense, if you had access to free smut, why not take all you can? Although it was a bit of work finding the “good” pics, it was worth it, as I could see with my 25GB collection. I remember decades ago when moving to another apartment running into old Playboy magazines stashed away. Of course I paused and looked through those too.

Besides the actual images, I was also curious about timestamps from the images. From those you can kind of judge when the images were actually created. I happened to find some that were from 2001 from a site called Dodgers UK. Sadly, they don’t look like they are around any longer but, looking through those, I noticed some featured my all time favorite Wolford Neon 40 and I don’t think I realized it. The telltale sign of that being the waistband and unique shiny opaqueness.

Dodgers UK - Wolford Neon 40 image

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Sheery in her Wolford body and tights
Me in a Wolford Anita bodysuit and Neon 40 tights

It all started that one fateful day maybe fifteen years ago. After scrounging up 30€ and heading down to the department store to finally buy a pair of those shiny tights that I had seen in all of those photos (that I downloaded of course). I remember buying that pair of Wolford Neon 40 in Gobi, running home in excitement and slipping them over my legs. That orgasmic moment was pretty much the beginning of my long love affair for anything Wolford.

Up to that point, I never really even knew of the brand except that the Neon 40 seemed to always be the pantyhose enthusiast’s first choice. Little did I realize it was a luxury brand, though the 30€ price tag on the Neon 40 tights was enough of a clue. Luxury aside, they were the most awesome thing I ever put on my legs, period, and every now and again I would get a new pair in a different shade.

Well, probably around six years ago (and many many pairs of Neon 40 later), I started browsing around their catalog and the bodysuits caught my eye. I remember one being on “sale” for 90€ and thought “What the hell, why not try it?” so I bought it, waited for the delivery and eagerly draped in on over some Neon 40s. I was hooked since it was something like a leotard (which I loved) but something more stylish and even something that could be worn in public.

Wolford on more Wolford was pure heaven!

Fast forward to today and I now admit I have a problem being hooked on Wolford. I collect them like bits of treasure… bodysuits, tights, skirts, arm thingies and (gulp) even shelled out for the most-coveted-of-all-time Fatal Neon tights. Now this may seem like an innocent affinity for just a brand of clothing. Hell, how many people wear only Nike or Adidas all the time? I’m quite sure even other crossdressers have their own preferences for their womanly garments.

Yet now I would have to consider it somewhat problematic for me given that…

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Sheery posing in Wolford pantyhose

As I sit here right in my living room, I have just slipped on a pair of black Wolford Neon 40’s and then had thought that really made me stop and wonder. This beautifully sexy, silky garment is pretty much the basis for my entire life. Obviously it is something you know (I know you too!) but it is quite surprising to think of how it made me who I am.

I can remember vividly how it all started at five years old by falling in love with Mrs Rainwater and her navy blue pantyhose that she would wear with sandals. I think the real life shaping event, however, happened when my sister actually had a pair of navy blue knee highs at the time, which I stole from her that first time then eagerly wore them dreaming of “being” Mrs Rainwater. Little did I know the seed that this planted growing up!

Funny, though, I actually never really got into pantyhose until I was around 11 years old having worn knee highs up until then. But one day, I don’t know what got into me, but I was in a Circle K market and saw the rack of Legg’s pantyhose and just grabbed a pair of Sheer Energy in an Off Black color (yes, I do remember that first pair well) then brought it to the counter to buy. I remember the cashier saying “Don’t you hate it when your mom makes you buy these?” and I nodded in agreement (and reflief). Then I rushed home to get these on my legs. That would be the point where I never looked back.

My teenage years took a slight deviation, having to try out lingerie to accompany my legwear. This was probably the time where my crossdressing was in its infancy since I needed something more than pantyhose to satisfy me, yet while still enjoying them. I suppose there was a growing need to feel more girly and lingerie made me feel “better.” However, I only found it more as a compliment to pantyhose since I would never wore bras, pantys or other lingerie alone. In fact I exclusively wore lingerie with pantyhose but then I would wear pantyhose at any time, under pants or whenever and get myself off without anyone noticing.

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Me in Wolford Moonlight Sleeves

Normally I’m all about whatever Wolford makes, like you know those Neon 40 tights. It shouldn’t be a surprise that I’m signed up for their newsletter, have a Wolford branded makeup bag and now a nice little collection of tights, bodysuits, bras, panties… you get the idea. So one day, while browsing their website to their new additions, I came across something that was somewhat hard to fathom, especially for them.

Is that pantyhose for the arms I see? They look like long gloves (which I also love) but not covering the hands, AKA sleeves.

OK, well, time to buy these and check them out for myself.

Then they come. I rip the little boxes open and slip one of these suckers on my left arm. Then the other on the right arm.

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Like my new bustier?

NOTE: I know it’s been a while since I posted here. Let’s just say a lot of life has happened between 2018 and now. I’ve thought about closing up shop here during this time but, you know what? I’m still a crossdresser and, to be honest, I am now more than ever. Like really seriously into it 😉

A couple months ago, I did a Google search for a particular (feminine) garment I was interested in (can’t remember what it was though) and I came across a new website I’ve never seen or heard of ever, Vinted. That garment was for sale brand new at a price that I thought was rather low. Well, I didn’t happen to buy it but I did spend a good couple of hours browsing around in there. The OMG moment finally came around.

If you’re not familiar with Vinted, it’s more or less a website that promotes clearing out your mass of unused clothing and/or buying it from someone else who wants to clear out their rejected threads. It’s almost identical to eBay in a way, however, eBay is, really, too hard to find what you are looking for. Vinted is pretty much just for finding clothing and that’s it.

In the nearly two months that I’ve used Vinted, I’ve been obsessed with it. I’ve not only found awesome second hand clothing but also new items still with tags that people just happen to have sitting around. What a concept!

Of course, I could have looked around and shop for regular male clothes but, hell no! I went after all the womens’ wear that I have always been dreaming about draping over my body. Miniskirts, bodysuits, lingerie and of course my most sought out items… anything Wolford.

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